Pink Sari Revolution makes its Indian premiere...

Originally produced by Curve, Belgrade Theatre Coventry, Leeds Playhouse and in association with English Touring Theatre, the Made at Curve drama toured the UK throughout the autumn of 2017.

Pink Sari Revolution tells the real-life story of Sampat Pal, leader of the notorious, working class feminist movement 'The Gulabi Gang'. Based in India's rural Uttar Pradesh province, the gang reportedly numbers over 400,000 members in a part of the world where violence towards women is rife.

The play was adapted for the stage by Indian playwright Purva Naresh, winner of the United Nations Laadli Media Award for her work on gender, from the critically acclaimed book of the same name by journalist Amana Fontanella-Khan.

Supported by Arts Council England and the British Council, this semi-staged NCPA and Curve production is once again directed by Curve's Associate Director Suba Das. Musician Nicki Wells, who has recently worked with acclaimed Producer Nitin Sawhney, joins the company as Composer. A team of Indian performers, including original cast member Ulrika Krishnamurti, will bring the tale of female uprising to life for new audiences in India.

Ulrika Krishnamurti