Ulrika to perform solo show Echoes Within Walls at FIRST 2016...

Ulrika Krishnamurti takes on the role of Sara in Echoes Within Walls, a verbatim play by Sahar Beg, directed by Timothy Trimingham Lee, part of First 2016, a festival of solo shows at the Tristan Bates Theatre, April 9, 2019.

The process of creating this show was very unique. “There's a much greater need to meaningfully interact with 'things' in the space that aren't other actors (because it's a solo show!). I'm enjoying the process of doing that... there's a simplicity and complexity in it that's very different from working on an ensemble piece.”

Trapped in her husband's home, alone and afraid, Sara finds herself far from her homeland, friends and family. Based on a true story, an unwilling bride must learn how to survive in the midst of unspeakable cruelty. Her life has been stolen from her; she will have to fight to outwit her captors. This is the tale of a woman who was given everything she didn't ask for and who struggles to escape her fate.

Come and watch Echoes Within Walls at 7 pm on April 9, 2016, at the Tristan Bates Theatre, London,


Ulrika Krishnamurti